Cheap Car Insurance Rates in Alabama (2023)

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Alabama Auto Insurance

Do you know the auto insurance requirements and rates in Alabama? If you want solid but cheap auto insurance in Alabama, you need to be informed. Here are the pertinent details on Alabama driving laws and auto insurance statistics.

Car Insurance Requirements in Alabama

Alabama minimum auto insurance requirements were instituted in 2013 when the Mandatory Liability Insurance Law was passed and signed. Per this law, all drivers in the state must carry:

  • $25,000 worth of bodily injury or death coverage per person
  • $50,000 worth of bodily injury or death coverage per accident
  • $25,000 worth of property damage coverage

These are all liability coverages. Alabama car insurance laws don’t require comprehensive, collision or uninsured motorist coverages, although many policies offer them as options.

Is Alabama a No-Fault State?

Alabama is a fault state, which means drivers who are deemed responsible for accidents must compensate affected parties who suffer injuries and/or property damage.


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Car Insurance Prices in Alabama

Car insurance prices in Alabama generally range from just over $1,000 per year to nearly $4,500 annually. Teenage drivers pay the most, often seeing premiums over $2,000 per year. Those aged 21 to 85 generally pay rates between $1,000 and $2,000 per year, with drivers aged 35 to 75 paying the lowest rates.


  1. 1

    Car Insurance for Young Drivers, New Drivers and Teen Drivers

    Finding affordable car insurance for 16 - 18 year olds in Alabama can be challenging, as this age group generally pays over $3,000 per year in premiums. Families should compare rates from different carriers and check discount programs to find the most affordable policy. 

  2. 2

    Car Insurance for Students (18 - 24 year olds) in Alabama

    Once students enter their college years, auto insurance rates drop noticeably. Students aged 18 still pay over $3,000 on average, but average premiums drop below $2,000 by age 22. 

  3. 3

    Car Insurance for 24+ Year Olds in Alabama

    At age 24, car insurance rates begin to level out. For most of their adult life, drivers typically pay between $1,000 and $2,000 per year. 

  4. 4

    Car Insurance for 55 (and Over) in Alabama

    Car insurance premiums reach their lowest at age 55, often hovering just over $1,000 annually. Premiums slowly increase through drivers’ senior years, but they normally don’t reach teenage-year levels. 

  5. 5

    Car Insurance for Veterans in Alabama

    Veterans in Alabama may qualify for special car insurance discounts. Discount programs vary by insurer, so veterans should check with their carrier or agent. 

AgeMost Popular VehicleGenderMost Common City
18 - 24ChevroletMale - 53% | Female - 47%Birmingham
25 - 54ChevroletMale - 39% | Female - 61%Birmingham
55 - 64ChevroletMale - 37% | Female - 63%Birmingham
65 +FordMale - 39% | Female - 61%Birmingham

* This information is based on users.


Auto Insurance for Good Drivers

Good drivers employ safe driving habits, and it shows in their records. They don't get in many accidents, and they don't have traffic tickets. Many insurers reward these drivers with special auto insurance discounts for good drivers. 

Auto Insurance for Bad Drivers

Bad drivers aren't bad people, and they may not even actually be bad at driving. They do have several blemishes, such as traffic tickets, DUI convictions and/or accidents on their driving record. They're known to be a higher risk for insurers, so many companies increase auto insurance rates for bad drivers. Not all insurers increase rates by the same amount though.


Traffic Violations and Fines in Alabama

Speeding Ticket Cost in Alabama

Speeding ticket costs vary because they’re handled by counties, but most tickets will result in a fine and other costs amounting to at least a few hundred dollars. Speeding tickets also add 2 or 5 points to a driver’s license, and being convicted of reckless driving in Alabama comes with a 6-point penalty.

Driving While High Laws in Alabama

DUI laws in Alabama are strict and encompass driving under the influence of marijuana. Even if drivers can legally use the drug, driving while high is illegal.

Driving Without Car Insurance in Alabama

Drivers who are found on the road without car insurance may face multiple penalties, including fines, imprisonment, license suspensions, registration suspensions, vehicle impoundment and additional fees. Severity depends on how many times a driver has been found without insurance.

Texting and Driving in Alabama

Distracted driving encompasses texting, other cell phone use while driving, eating while driving and many other activities. Although these aren’t all illegal in Alabama, they all may contribute to an accident. Texting while driving is illegal unless drivers are stopped, in neutral, in park or texting emergency responders.


Per Alabama state law, salting railroad tracks to melt snow and ice is illegal.


Alabama Car Accidents

There were a total of 155,902 car accidents in Alabama during 2016 (the latest year data is available for). This represented an increase of 5.73 percent over the year before according to car accident statistics.

Reasons for Car Accidents in Alabama

The major reasons for car accidents (and bad car accidents) were hitting other vehicles, hitting fixed objects and hitting pedestrians. These accounted for 83.4 percent of all accidents in the state. Pedestrian strikes were just 0.4 percent of all accidents, but the 641 incidents resulted in 67 fatalities and 538 injuries.

Car Accident Statistics by Vehicle Type in Alabama

Over half of all car accidents in Alabama involved passenger cars, pick-up trucks and SUVs all together accounted for nearly 91 percent of accidents. Vans, trucks, motorcycles and mopeds each made up less than 5 percent of accidents.

Car Accidents in Alabama - More Facts

On average, there was a car accident in Alabama every 3 minutes and 22 seconds during 2016. While 78 percent of these occurred in urban settings, 60 percent of fatal crashes occurred in rural places. Drivers under age 25 were responsible for 22 percent of all fatal crashes.

Bonus: Most Weird, Funny and Ridiculous Traffic Laws in Alabama

  • Alabama prohibits driving the wrong way down one-way streets -- unless you have a lantern attached to the front of your vehicle. With a lantern leading the way, this practice is legal.
  • Don’t try driving blindfolded in Alabama. It’s illegal.


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