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Pretecting Your Home With Homeowners Insurance

There is a reason why many consider homeowners insurance to be one of the most important insurance policies a person can have.

Most Americans identify themselves as homeowners and claim that the purchase of their house \ apartment is their single biggest expense and correspondingly their most valued possession.

Being such a major investment and usually taking years to acquire, it is definitely a good idea to make sure that your assets are safe and secure. **

Nearly 1 million possible policies
provided by the top carriers!

Getting The Best Coverage To Pretect Everything Important

Homeowners insurance may apply to the actual structure of your home (dwelling) and to your belongings and possessions that are inside it (and sometimes anywhere). In a simple breakdown, these are the major points the policy may address:
Pretected Insurance Coverage

Dwelling Coverage

Your actual house structure and the structures attached to it (example: garage, front porch).

Other Structures Coverage

Stand-alone structures that are not attached to your house (example: fence, gazebo).

Personal Property Coverage

Your personal items \ stuff that are stolen or damaged in your house or out of it (example: electronics, jewelry).

Living Expenses Coverage

The situation where you are forced to find a temporary alternative habitat due to a damaged home (example: fire, high wind).

Personal Liability Coverage

The situation where you are legally responsible for the bodily injury of or property damage to another individual (example: guest falling down your wet stairs).

Medical Coverage

The situation where someone (not a house resident) is in need of medical assistance due to injury on your property regardless of responsibility. (example: guest is harmed by a confined pet).

You Worked So Hard You Deserve
To Sleep Well

Although you are not legally obligated to have any sort of homeowners insurance, due to the sheer magnitude of capital it initially requires making the purchase, it is only logical to protect it with the right kind of coverage and policy.

Please note that if you have any sort of outstanding mortgage loans it is usually required by the loan issuer to have at least some kind of home insurance.

What Makes Pretected Different?

Most insurance comparison sites don't even take into consideration all of the valuable information you input online. All they end up doing is selling your contact details to the highest bidder regardless of the end result. We believe that is a complete waste of time and even more so a betrayal of confidence. If you have enough faith in Pretected to provide us with your personal information, the least we should do is guarantee a valid service, and we do so much more!

What Do We Do?

Our proprietary “smart matching” system collects thousands of data points from every connection made through our online platform and learns the compatibility level between every consumer and its possible future insurer.

Bearing in mind that each client is unique, our technology differentiates between over 50 data points creating a clear, singular client profile. The client profile data assets range between information donated by the user itself to information generated from public sources (statistical analytics).

We then match the consumer with the most compatible insurance options to make sure we maintain value and affordability.

Bottom Line:

If a policy is not good for the customer or he can't save money with it, we don't show it. Our software learns the significance of patterns and is able to foresee repetition and turn it into prediction. We get the right policy for each individual consumer. The high level of precision used to link each customer with its desired insurance policy serves the specific needs of both sides. In plain English… it's a WIN-WIN!
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